Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Bargain that Wasn't a Bargain

Mr.Toad was collectin' his car from the local garage, where it had been for repair. (Toad's car is always havin' to be repaired because he will drive it far too fast.) He was just about to leap into his car and drive away, when he noticed that the shop opposite had a GRAND SALE. Now, Toad is never one to miss a bargain, so he left his where it was, and crossed the road to the shop. He discovered the the shopkeeper was sellin' off his left-over summer clothes,reast to make way for the new winter lines. There were light-weight suits at half the original price, as well as half-price swimming-trunks, sun-hats, short-sleeved shirts and sandals.

"These things are too good to be missed,"Toad told the shopkeeper. "I'll have two light-weight suits, three pairs of swimming-trunks, two sun-hats and three pairs of sandals."
Toad paid forhis bargains, and staggered out of the shop with them. He piled them into his car, and sped off for Toad Hall. His friends, Ratty and Mole, were waitin' there for him, and he showed them his bargains.

"But Toad, old chap, what is the use of these summer clothes now the autumn is here?" asked Mole. "It's far too cold to wear them."

"You could put them away, and sace them for the next summer,' suggested Ratty.

Toad, however, is not a fellow to put things away. He wanted to wear his new clothes at once. He tossed them back into his car and leapt in after them.

"Then I'l off," he called, "off to a warm South Seas island where I can wear my bargains. I'll drive to the airport, and catch a 'plane that will take me tho the other side of the world where it is summer now."

"But Toad, dear fellow, if you've got to spend a lot od money on an expensive holiday simply so that you can waer your bargains - then they're not bargains, after all. Thay'll cost you more than if you had paid full price for them at the proper time of year," said Mole.

"What? Can't hear a word you say, old chap!" called Toad, who had started his car engine once more. "Cherry-bye now - I'll see you both in a few months' time!"
Away he sped, into the distance! What a funny Toad he is!


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